Message From TAA President Don Sader

February 28, 2009

Greetings From Tracy Airport Association:

Tracy Airport Association now meets once each month on the second Tuesday of every month. Currently we have been meeting at the airport FBO office at 6PM for pot luck dinner, 7PM for General meeting.

I would like to invite you to join us at our next meeting on March 10th 2009. If you are able, please bring a plate of snacks, a desert, pasta or salad for 10 to 20 people. We provide the main course. We have had approximately 40 to 50 members attend per meeting.

We also have a new website address: Please feel free to visit our site and our new blog that links off that site. Your input would be greatly appreciated or contact us should you wish to add some pictures or information to the site.

We will also be collecting dues again this year. The dues fee is $20.00. You can bring it to a meeting or send it in to:
2455 N. Naglee Road #221
Tracy, CA 95304
Checks payable to TAA (Please do not send cash)

Look forward to seeing you at our next meeting.


Don Sader

1 comment:

Tony258 said...

My Dear Tracy-ants it seems to me tat you are having small problems here similar or like some other places has. You may pose a question how is that, first of all you may not see thing that I do even so is not even the year that I am resident here. I have knowledge and experience which I was acquainted at other parts of our Country. In regard permitting this builder to build next to the Airport it would be big mistake, as I said before there are many nice places to build in this nice moderate community. The Builder might pose the treat that he will not build unless he gets his way, if you believe that then you are full. For him to stay in business he will use all kinds’ gimmicks to persuade the council to bend his way. Builder needs to stay in business and he will do whatever it takes to achieve financial advantage for him. More I travel around this City (Tracy) more nice spaces I see to build the homes, but to builder that is not of interest because perhaps is not profitable as much as next to the Airport. Dear Tracy Council tell builder to build in the area where the land is ready and assign for home build.